Petr Chudožilov: Paper, post and a shore
– Czechia

Petr Chudžilov was born in Prostějov in 1943. He studied at a grammar school and then at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Journalism of Charles University, which he did not complete. Later he worked a number of jobs, e.g. a reporter for the Czechoslovak Press Agency, logger, milkman, editor of Literární noviny, Literární listy and Listy, a security guard, driver and a construction worker. He has lived in Basel, Switzerland, since 1982. He is an active journalist (working mostly for radio stations) and a writer (mainly short stories). He has authored over twenty books, for example Kapři v kvetoucích trnkách (Carps in Blossoming Blackthorns, 1969), Na velrybě (On a Whale, 1990), Boj o fusekli (Fighting for a Sock, 1996), Proč necítím národní hrdost (Why I Am Not Proud of My Nation, 1999), Papír je poslední domov (Paper is the Last Home, 2002), Lahvová pošta (Bottle Post, 2008) and Cizinec na pobřeží (A Foreigner on the Shore, 2019).