J. H. Krchovský: As though he survived...
– Czechia

Born in Prague in 1960, Jiří H. Krchovský is a Czech underground legend. He studied at the school of life, tried multiple jobs and joined the Krch-off Band musical group.  He published his life’s work in the collection titled simply Básně (Poems, 1998). His more recent poems have been presented in collections such as Poslední list (The Last Page, 2003), Nad jedním světem (Above One World, 2004), Dvojité dno (Double Bottom, 2010) and Já už chci domů (I Want to Go Home Now, 2015); his older works (from the late 1980s and early 1970s) have been collected in Mladost-radost (Youth-Joy, 2010). A few weeks ago, he published his early prose in the collection Jakoby… (As Though..., 2020). “I wrote to survive. When I woke up in a terrible state and some words resonated in my head, I used them for what they were good for,” he says.